Our Members Come First

You and your goals are important to us.

We blend our results-based fitness training with scientifically-based innovative and fun programmes.

Friendly & Supportive

Our team of friendly dedicated coaches are here to support you ever step of the way, they will be there to push you when you need, and be in your corner when the going gets tough ensuring you feel motivated and empowered on your fitness journey.

Welcoming community from the moment you step through the door

Our team & members will make you feel part of the family. Our zero judgement community creates a nurturing environment where everyone feels at home and inspired to achieve their best.

Guided every step of the way

From the moment you join us, you're never alone on your fitness path. With tailored workout plans, regular progress checks, and hands-on guidance, we're with you at every milestone, ensuring you have the expertise and encouragement you need to succeed.

  • Step 1: Arrange a Call

    Kickstart your transformation by clicking the button to arrange a call with one of our friendly team. This is your first step towards a healthier you, where we discuss your goals and how we can help you achieve them.

  • Step 2: Speak With A Staff Member To Find Out How We Do Things

    Discover how we do things differently and create a plan to help you achieve your goals.  Learn about our simple strategies designed to give you the most impact for your effort, and how our programs are designed to cater to your individual needs.

  • Step 3: Follow the 28 Day Challenge

    Embark on our 28 Day Challenge program.  During your first 28 days you will be guided towards achieving your fitness goals. With personalised coaching, nutritional advice, and constant support, watch as you progress faster than you ever thought possible.

  • Step 4: Look and Feel Amazing

    With a comination of new habits and consistent action you will, you will enjoy every step of your journey where the results speak for themselves. Not only will you look amazing, you'll also feel a remarkable improvement in your overall well-being, energy levels, and confidence.

Are You Ready To Put Yourself & Your Health First?

Here at The Fitness Academy we understand you are the kind of person who wants to be the healthiest version of yourself. 

To be that way, you need to create healthy habits to help you get in shape, build your fitness, and become stronger.

The challenge is so much conflicting information about what to do to get the results you want, which makes you feel lost and confused.We believe that transforming your health and fitness is as simple as creating healthy habits.

We understand you may have tried and failed in the past. That’s why our program is designed to take you through the process step by step to ensure that this time you get the results you want.

Here’s  how it works

Step one
click the button and arrange a call to speak to one of our team, discuss your goals and make a plan of action to achieve them.  

Step two,find out how we do things differently, we explain the next steps and help get. you started.  

Step three,start to notice the changes in the way you look and feel, so you can stop procrastinating on your health and fitness and start taking steps to get back in shape, become fitter and feel healthier for life.

Register For More info

Frequently Asked Questions

Session days and times: When are the sessions?

We have sessions available at 6:15am, 7:00am, 9:30am, 12:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:15pm, 6pm and 6:45pm every weekday plus Saturday mornings at 08:30am, 09:15am, 10:00am, and Sundays 09:15am and 10:00am. You can come to whichever sessions suit you best each week

Location: Where are you based?

We are located at Meadowhall business park, address is unit 30 carbrook business park Post code is s9 2hr

Start date: When does it start?

Once you've completed payment and attended you can start on the closed available Monday.

No experience necessary: Do I need to be fit?

Not at all! everything is tailored to your current level of strength and fitness. No matter what your starting point is we'll coach you to get fitter, stronger and leaner over the course of the 28-days. You will also have a dedicated success coach with you every step of the way.

Discover How You Can Transform Your Body and Fitness in Just 28 Days

Click the button below for more info